Tuesday, April 2, 2013

March Madness: Why to Junk Your Vehicle Before This Month Is Over

March is an optimal month to junk your vehicle for multiple reasons.

One reason why you should junk your vehicle before this month is through is: spring has sprung! This means that the earth is fertile and is springing new life into the world--flowers will begin to bloom, the grass will soon return to its vibrant green color, and the trees will begin to sprout very shortly.

Who wants to see an old, broken down junk vehicle on the street while all of this life is flourishing? Junk vehicles are eye sores; they aren’t pretty to look at. Some junk vehicles have broken windows; other junk vehicles have scratches, dents, and/or rust. In a nutshell, junk vehicles look dead; they  are not driven; they just sit in a designated spot taking up space; they have no life. More  importantly, though, junk vehicles take the life out of the earth.

Another reason why you should junk your car is: junk vehicles are harmful to the earth and suck the life out of it. Often, these types of vehicles leak harmful fluids that the earth absorbs. Suppose, for example, that you place a junk car in a backyard close to a garden. If the ground by the garden is polluted, the plants and vegetables will not grow. Or in another scenario, the plants and veggies may grow but will be contaminated and will be dangerous to ingest. All that hard work and time spent on that wonderful garden would be futile. A polluted garden is not only dangerous to the people who grow the garden; it is also dangerous to the animals that have formed a niche in that area. If an animal eats the polluted plants, it can die. A junk car can, therefore, kill the beautiful spring scenic view, kill the fertile land that nourished plants and vegetables, and it can kill animals that made that land its habitat.

If you are deciding that you want to junk your vehicle before this month is through, you should research the best junk car removal service for you. Go to Google’s search bar and type in Junk My Car and add the area that you live in. If you live in Staten Island, for example, type in Junk My Car Staten Island. Or if you live in the Bronx, type in Junk My Car Bronx. Call the various companies that come up and choose the company that gives you the most for your vehicle and that is willing to work with your schedule.

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